If you are currently pregnant,

or nap trapped with your newborn while reading this...

You will LOVE this Masterclass

This Masterclass is all about YOU!! 


Because having a new baby is a really vulnerable time emotionally.

This masterclass focuses exclusively on how to TAKE EXCELLENT CARE of your emotional well-being as you prepare for and navigate the first year.



This FREE 90 minute Masterclass will teach you exactly where to focus your time and attention so you feel present, healthy, and actually ENJOY the first year with your baby!


We're covering 3 areas most Mamas miss when preparing for the newborn season:

1. How to increase your capacity for joy so you actually enjoy the newborn season!

Learn THREE proven strategies to put in place now to protect your mental health through the first year.


2. Your BIGGEST responsibility in preparing for baby that soon-to-be-parents underestimate 

The #1 area I can guarantee you have not given much attention to and definitely don't want to keep avoiding.


3. How to create a personalized postpartum experience where nothing (or no one) can ruin your peace.

Moving beyond cookie cutter recommendations and trusting your intuition as a Mama.

Watch Now

When you are healthy as the Mama, everyone wins - especially your baby.




I'm a Mama of 2, the founder of My Lighter Way, have my PhD in Mental Health Promotion from a top Canadian University, and have over 13 years experience as a researcher in the health field.

My signature framework, the My Lighter Motherhood Method, includes the most important elements from my research proven to protect our mental health. I share every element of this Method with you in the Masterclass!

I created this Masterclass to help you learn exactly how to protect your mental health during pregnancy and the first year. You deserve to enjoy it!!

"It's so refreshing to hear that a positive experience is possible!"

J. First time Mom.

"This was very helpful. Thank you!"

O. Y.    First time Mom, 28 Weeks Pregnant

Mastering Motherhood

Spilling the secrets to feeling good

even on the days you wake up 7 times in the night and piece together 4 hours of sleep